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In order for us to keep the cost of our services down, we have implemented these policies to keep a steady and productive workflow. 

Cancellation Policy

   The Royal Four Legged Spa  requires at least 48 hours notice for all service cancellations and reschedules. This includes if you wish to forgo or change any booked services during your appointment. Failure to do so will require 50% of services to be paid.

Tardy Policy

   We understand that sometimes being late is unavoidable. However, depending on the circumstances, we may be forced to shorten or reschedule your service. A 50% deposit will be required if we are forced to reschedule due to tardiness. 

No Show Policy

    More than two NO SHOWS will result in a 75% non-refundable deposit being required in order to schedule any further appointments. 

Handstrip Policy

    All Handstrip clients are required to rebook and stay on schedule to keep a fixed rate. Straying from the schedule will result in an hourly rate

Cat Policy 

    All Cats are to arrive in an appropriate travel carrier. Any cats that have a heart or respiratory condition will be turned away. If your cats(s) show any signs of stress all services will be discontinued.

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